Friday, October 30, 2015

PICK ONE season 2 episode 3 10.30.15

What a way to wind down Spirit Week, with a visit from the #1 listened to show on's PICK ONE!!!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

OH MY!!!! 10.29.15

MARY and SKYE came on down to the studios and got a show in, in between all the Spirit Week fun...good on them. You should reward them by giving it a listen!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Friday, October 23, 2015

Welcome Back; THE RADISH

Back for another season of fun, here comes the RADISH...all the news that's fit to goof on!!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Kalika Kronicles season 2 episode 1

At last!! Brandon has returned to the wCHS studios and brings with him a great season debut!!! Listen up....

WCHS updates for October!!!

HELLO CHS Community!! It's been quite a while since I've sent one of these update it's about time, and there is ALOT to share! First off, the studio is operating at MAXIMUM STRENGTH (okay...maybe out visual radio unit needed to out for minor repairs...but still)!!! If you haven't come down to take a look or do a show, by all means come on down!! We are broadcasting your morning announcements on WCHS, so tune to CHANNEL 63 each day at 8:55a (8:49a on DEAR days!). And we are also broadcasting music and student productions 24/7/365 so anytime you need a little music in your classroom just turn on channel 63! WCHS is always broadcasting live over the interwebs too, in glorious HD 128k STREAMING AUDIO! You can listen to WCHS anywhere, anytime on any phone, computer, pad, or other device (as long as it is rocking QUICKTIME). You can find the LISTEN LIVE link here: ALL our shows also get posted as downloadable MP3 files and posted to our sites on MixCloud, SoundCloud, and Blogger. FOLLOW US at each to get alerts when a new episode of your favorite WCHS show gets posted!! You can also LISTEN, DOWNLOAD, COMMENT, and SHARE any program you find. Help spread the word about WCHS!!! You can find them at these links: Also, be sure to follow WCHS on TWITTER! We can be found @RadioWCHS or here: The WCHS RADIO CLUB also has a Twitter, Facebook, and other social media sites...ask any Radio Club council member how to get onto those! COMING SOON - All new Radio Club shows by our newest members. Lots of shows will be making their debut as we move into November, so be sure to TUNE IN! Also coming soon (we hope) a new WCHS webpage that will have all our links and listen live into in one easy-to-access spot...look for that in the months ahead!


DISH delivers the vinyl goodies once again. Plenty of Bowie and other stuff on his plate and platters...

Dish's Deep Cuts 10.20.15 by Wchsradio on Mixcloud

PICK ONE season 2 ep. 2 10.21.15

PICK ONE and company found their way into the studio and delivered another fine, fine a shame if no one listened to it. A real shame.

Raw Material Season 2 10.19.15

RAW MATERIALS bringing it full can't not listen. Follow that?

Friday, October 16, 2015

7-Up back for their 2015-16 debut!

Finally, we have the JAKKEEM crew in the studio with us for an episode of 7-UP...and it's great! Please give them a listen!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Dish's Deep Cuts #2 10.5.15

Dish is back with more deep tracks brought forth from the grooves in the vinyl...give it a listen, won't you?

Dish's Deep Cuts 10.5.15 by Wchsradio on Mixcloud